Presentacion Photoshop

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011



The radioactivity or radioactivity is a natural or artificial, by which some substances or radioactive chemical element, are able to emit
radiation, which have the property to impress
photographic plates, ionized gases, to produce fluorescence, through opaque to light ordinary, etc. The radiation emitted by radioactive substances are mainly alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays. Radioactivity is a nuclear power, used in medicine (radiotherapy) and consists of some atoms like uranium, radium and thorium are "unsta
ble", and constantly lost alpha, beta and gamma ray (X).
In this process, the nuclei of atoms of elements decay with formation of new nuclei that correspond to new elements and release energy.


-Alpha rays:

These rays consist of material particles which have two positive charge units and fourunits of mass. They are slightly deflected by the action of strong magnetic forces. Canionize the gas and penetrate the area. Are arrested or absorbed when placed beforethem a me
tal blade. Initial velocity varies from 109 cm​​. / s to 2 x 109 cm​​. / s.

-Beta Rays:

The particles that make up the Beta rays are of lower mass than the alpha rays arenegatively charged unit. Are projected at high speeds, although this depends on its source and are sometimes issued at a speed approaching that of light (3 × 1010 cm. /s).

-Gamma rays:
Its nature is different from alpha and beta rays, since they do not experience diversion by electric fields and
/ or magnetic. Despite having a shorter wavelength X-rays, act asan electromagnetic radiation of the same nature. Can pass through layers of lead andgoes to great distances in air. Its nature is to wave and has no electric charge or mass.Its capacity is weaker ionization compared to alpha and beta rays.
It is undeniable that radiation affects organisms. The can sicken or heal. Can bemanaged like any medicine, or have lethal effects. Depends on how you


-Natural radiation:

Certain nuclei, mostly belonging to non-abundant isotopes or created artificially, areunstable and emit radiation to achieve stability. You radiation emitted by isotopesspontaneously without external intervention are called natural radiation
Radioactive nuclei eventually lose its
activity. Moreover, the radiation is absorbed by matter, even air and decrease as we move away from the sources. Their property, these radiations are easily removed using appropriate shielding absorb them.
The sun is the main source of natural radiation. In the sun are constant nuclear fusion areprocesses in which hydrogen atoms at extremely high temperatures combine to formhelium a
toms. This process is more energy than fission artificial.Las radiation comingfrom outer space called cosmic ra
ys. The intensity of cosmic radiation increase rapidlywith height above sea level.

All atoms whose nuclei have the same number of protons are a chemical element. Ashave the same number of protons, have the same number of electrons and therefore the same chemical properties. When the number of neutrons is different, are referred to as"isotopes. " Each isotope of an element is designated by the total number of nucleons(protons and neutrons).
For example, uranium 238 and uranium-235 both have 92 electrons. Its nucleus has 92protons. The isotope 238 has 146 neutrons, or 3 neutrons than uranium 235.
The radioisotopes are those that are radioactive isotopes.

-Artificial radiation:

Artificial radiation is the process which produces a nuclear reaction induced by usingartificial particles to do so.
Fission is a type of artificial reaction in which reactions are induced. This is done bybombardin
g heavy nuclei with free particles, usually neutrons, so that the nucleus isdivided into isotopes, emitting high energy and expelling a small amount (2 or 3) newfree particles that collide with two other heavy nuclei.


The higher the level of radiation, and the longer exposure, the greater the risk, expertssay. The most common cancers
that often develop long-term in these cases are thethyroid, bones or leukemia.

The radioactivity causes them to break the links between the atoms and molecules that make up our tissues. At this point, the body responds by trying to repair the damage, butis sometimes so severe that it is impossible. The most vulnerable areas of the body are the cells lining the intestine and stomach, and blood-producing cells in the spinal cord.

Cancer risk is greater in
the long term. Normally when the cells reached their expiry date, they die, but cancer cells lose this ability and continue to divide uncontrollably.

In addition to cancer, radioactivity is dangerous because it can also lead to changes ormutations in DNA that can then lead to cancer. Furthermore, these changes may inheritthe children, leading to deformities in future generations, such as heads or brainssmaller, poorly formed eyes, slow growth or learning difficulties.
Exposure to radiation can cause different symptoms, experts say. The most immediate,hours, include nausea and vomiting, which can then be followed by diarrhea, headachesand fever.

After a while, the sy
mptoms subside and there is no apparent disease. However, after a few weeks other symptoms more serious internal damage to organs.

It also affects reproduction. In this case, affects women more than men, because spermare regenerated every 90 days while the eggs are in the ovaries a life time.


Radioactive pollution is caused mainly by the use of natural or artificial radioactive substances, the use of nuclear energy and atomic bomb invensión has come to constitute a great danger of pollution to nature and humanity as they have scattered throughout the earth many polluting waste materials used for nuclear testing, as well as residues that are also in the water used to cool the reactors. The most dangerous tests are performed in the atmosphere and make the force produced by the explosion brings about a considerable increase in temperature and gas production and other products that are released into the atmosphere after the action of wind and These rains are carried to other places affecting the land, when they hit the floor, contaminating crops and water from lakes, rivers and seas. This type of pollution is called indirect radioactive contamination which is in the food chain, starting from the ground and then spread throughout the land and plant and animal genetic degeneration causing species, and reaches the man consuming contaminated food, milk being one of the principal means of contamination by strontium-90 in children.The radioactive contamination is usually the result of a loss of control over radioactive materials during production or use of isotopes. For example, a radioisotope used in medical imaging is accidentally spilled, the material can be spread by people who walked or are exposed to it too long.Radioactive contamination may also be the inevitable result of certain processes, such as the release of radioactive xenon in nuclear fuel reprocessing. In cases in which radioactive material can not be confined, can be diluted to safe levels. The fallout is the distribution of radioactive contamination generated by an explosion nuclear.La confinement is the means by which the radioactive material does not act as radioactive contamination. Therefore the radioactive material is sealed in special packaging and pollution is not proper, but for measurement units may be the same.

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